The Paris Option - Страница 85

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"Isis this a 'grand' battle, Peter?"

"Grand," Peter said, "but probably short. Those stairs down, I fear, are the only way out of the tower. And the Legionnaires don't seem willing to give us safe passage."

"We're trapped?" Marty's face stretched in terror.

"Unless we figure something else out," Randi agreed.

As if to echo the dire pronouncements, General La Porte's booming voice shouted up in French, "You must surrender, Colonel Smith! We outnumber you three to one, and more of my men arrive every minute.

You can't escape past us."

Randi said, "The general isn't going to be in a forgiving mood when he learns we blew his scheme."

"Not to mention that he can't leave any of us alive if he plans to get away clean," Peter pointed out.

Randi said, "That's probably why he shot Dr. Chambord, and I don't hear Captain Bonnard's voice down there. Do any of you?"

Heavy gunfire interrupted her. It sounded as if it were coming from the floor below. They readied themselves, but this time there was no charge up the stairwell. Instead, the firing moved farther away, growing louder and more intense. They heard shouts in Arabic, Pashto, and other languages.

"The Crescent Shield's very near," Thérèse realized.

"They're attacking La Porte's group from the rear," Peter decided. "And while dying for one's country may have its points, let's hope our Islamic friends have made that option less necessary for us."

Marty had been watching Jon, who had been studying the stairwell, his weapon grasped at the ready. "You have a plan, Jon, I hope?"

"No reason to go down," he decided. "We'll go up into the tower. With Randy's climbing gear, Peter's plastique, and a few more grenades, it's our best chance."

"And there's that pleasant little chopper sitting out there on the barbican we spotted when we arrived," Peter reminded them.

"Stupendous!" Marty started up the stairs in his awkward gait. "The race is to the swift, o paladins. Let us be very swift."

As the others raced after Marty, Peter and Jon sent a final long volley down the stairs.

"Two stories, I should think," Peter said as he turned and ran upward.

But a sudden draft of heat made Jon stop. He stepped back onto the landing. Smoke rolled out from the armory door, and then flames. All that old, oversized wood furniture that La Porte favored must have caught fire from the grenade explosion.

He hurried up the stone stairs, remembering the crates of ammo he had also seen in the armory, stacked in the back. The boots of La Porte's men hammered behind him, closing in. Jon caught up with the others, and he and Peter grabbed the wobbling Marty by each arm and propelled him along between them.

Thérèse had pulled out ahead, running like a gazelle, while Randi dropped back to cover the rear. She turned frequently to slow the pursuit with bursts of her MP5K.

"Across the tower!" Thérèse was breathing hard, a white streak in the darkness.

"Randi and I'll hold off the Legionnaires here," Jon told them. "Thérèse, you take Marty and run ahead and pick a window. Not one of the archers' windows. Get something we can crawl through, as close to the barbican as you can get. Peter, fuse some plastique and plant it ten yards or so away."

Peter nodded, while Jon and Ranch dropped to the stone floor to open fire on the lead pursuers. Their bullets felled the first two quickly, while the third plunged back down the circular stairs. The injured two did not move. For a moment, there was no pursuit, while the gunfire grew heavier from what was now far below. Apparently La Porte and his men were being kept so busy by the Crescent Shield that they could spare only a few for this pursuit, but that could change quickly.

The faint sound of voices drifted up the stairs, followed by footsteps trying not to be heard. There was also the vague odor of smoke from a wood fire, not only the gun smoke one would expect. Jon debated whether to tell the others about the flames and the boxes of ammo in the armory.

In the end, he decided against it. There was nothing they could do about it now, except accelerate every action. Escape as quickly as possible. Which was what they were doing already.

"Done," Peter called out softly.

Jon and Randi fired another volley at the first Legionnaire who came into sight, sending him scurrying back.

Then they ran after Peter. The three had reached a cross corridor at the far side of the tower when Peter's plastique exploded in a shattering blast that flung them forward hard, onto their faces. Behind them, the corridor collapsed in a tangle of stone and smoke. Ahead, Thérèse stood in the doorway to one of the tower's rooms, gesturing them to come ahead.

Coughing, Peter picked a grenade from his web belt and crouched where he could watch the smoking stone rubble.

Again, Randi and Jon ran. The room had three narrow windows as well as a good-sized one, which was where Thérèse and Marty were waiting anxiously.

"We can see the helicopter from here," Marty told Randi. Then he worried: "It looks very small."

"It'll do, if we can get to it." Randi hooked her mini-grappling hook into a crevice on the tower wall outside the window, threw the coiled nylon-covered wire down to the ramparts seven levels below, slid into the harness, and dropped.

As soon as she had landed, Jon said, "You next, Marty."

"Oh, very well." Marty sat on the windowsill and shut his eyes. "I'm inured to danger."

The harness was back almost instantly, and Thérèse and Jon strapped him into it and lowered him over the side. Marty landed, the harness sped back up, and Thérèse followed him down just as a grenade exploded out in the passageway.

Screams and yells followed as Peter sprinted into the room. His face was looking particularly grim. "I'm here, Jon. Let's bunk."

Jon motioned to the window. "You first, Peter. Age before beauty."

"For that remark, my boy, you can stay." Peter tossed the last grenade to Jon and glided over the edge just as the harness returned.

As Peter buckled himself in and disappeared, Jon waited, his gaze on the door. His heart was pounding.

When the harness reappeared, he snared it and quickly crawled inside. Just then, two Legionnaires stormed into the room. As he dangled high above the parapet, Jon pulled the pin, lobbed the grenade, and released the lock so he could drop down the castle's wall.

As he sped downward, the detonation made the wire swing violently, and he felt the hook slip. He inhaled and increased his speed dangerously, hoping he had time to reach the bottom before the hook broke free. His rib cage tightened as he realized how much gray smoke was drifting out of some of the tower's windows.

At last, just as his feet touched the rampart, the hook burst out and fell, nearly hitting him. With relief, he saw that Peter, Marty, and Thérèse were already running off toward the barbican where the little scout helicopter was parked.

Shouts erupted not from above, but from along the rampart wall.

"It's the Crescent Shield tin's time!" Ranch' shouted. "Faster!"

Jon and Randi tore after their friends. Peter was already behind the controls of the shuddering helicopter, its rotors spinning, and Thérèse and Marty were strapped into passenger seats. Jon and Randi leaped in, too.

Peter lifted off, banking the chopper violently away from the castle as the first Crescent Shield soldiers came into view, firing as they ran.

Bullets pierced the walls and pinged off the landing struts. Everyone was breathing hard. They looked at one another silently, unable to speak, as Peter pushed the chopper farther and farther away from La Porte's red-stone castle. The stars were a glittery display in the smooth night sky, untouched as if nothing unusual had just happened. Jon thought about General La Porte, about the Crescent Shield, about all the havoc and terror of the last few days, and wondered again at how so much evil could be done in the name of good.

Nearly a mile from the castle, they were just beginning to relax when they heard a volcanic roar. It shook the air around them, and the helicopter shuddered.

They whipped around in their seats just in time to see the east tower of Chateau la Rouge disappear in a violent outburst of fire and stone. Smoke billowed. Red and gold flames shot up against the night sky. Debris shimmered as it flew through the air.

"Good God, Jon," Peter said. "I'm impressed. What happened?" He turned the helicopter around so it faced back at the castle. He hovered there so they could watch.

"Yes. Well, I meant to mention that," Jon said.

"Mention what?" Randi asked instantly. "What've you been holding back?"

Jon shrugged. "Ammunition. Crates of ammo stored at the back of the armory."

Peter's voice rose. "You exploded a grenade in a room where there were ammo supplies? And you didn't warn us?"

"Hey, so you didn't notice the crates," Jon said huffily. "Do I have to point everything out to you? Besides, the ammo was pretty far away."

"Don't feel bad, Peter," Marty said helpfully. "I didn't see the ammunition either."

Thérèse's face had blanched white. "Neither did I, for which I'm now very grateful."

"The whole point of this long, dangerous exercise was to stop the threat of the DNA computer." Randi was staring at Jon, fighting a smile at the guilty look on his handsome face. "You succeeded, Jon. You blew it up with the grenade."